Thursday, May 30, 2013


This morning I was able to see the PC International Immersions Group for the first time, and I have to admit I was truly impressed with their high spirits and excitement. Despite having a much shorter trip than expected, it is clear that each of the students are truly throwing themselves into the time that they have here. It was great to see the PC spirit in action at LCS, and to see a group of familiar faces. I was especially excited to finally see my cousin Molly, who I know will realize, like I have, how truly special LCS and this experience are.

After Morning Prayer the group was full of energy and ready to go. They were able to sit in on the first classes of the morning before they headed off to help out with the wall pour. A “wall pour” is the pouring of cement to stabilize an existing wall. This is not an everyday occurrence at LCS, so there was definitely an air of excitement to campus yesterday. Each member of the PC group was able to help in the wall pour, as an assembly line of tasks is necessary to make the process go smoothly. The group finished the wall pour in about three hours, which is a lot quicker than I expected.

As they were working on the wall pour, I was busy surveying the students on their own cell phone habits and usage. The Volunteers helped gather up students so that I was able to reach my mark of one hundred surveys rather easily. After inputting this data into my computer, I was able to spend the rest of the day prepping for the next steps of sending out my survey to people that represent the other demographics of Haiti.

In the afternoon, a Mass was held for the Immersion Group and whoever else could make it. It was great to feel like I was back at PC again with Father Cuddy in front of me saying the homily! Hearing him direct his message towards the Philo students, I was reminded of my own final days at PC a few weeks ago. Unlike the Philo students who will have finished their time at LCS, I still have to return to my second home at school in the fall, but the message was equally applicable. Father Cuddy reminded the students of the profound impact their education has had on their lives and the importance of acting in accordance with the values and spirit in which they were taught.

After Mass, I headed off campus with Deacon Moynihan and Sarah, one of the PC chaperones, to dinner to discuss my project with a knowledgeable insider of the cell phone industry. He was able to better explain the history of telecommunications in Haiti, and provide a different perspective to the future of the cell phone industry. He was also able to provide me with a better understanding of how cell phones in Haiti actually work and the roles that they play in the lives of consumers. Leaving the meeting I definitely felt well informed and prepared to further research the potential for cell phones in Haiti.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great Molly! Hope you're having a great time down there. Tell Father Cuddy I say What Up
